Nigel Goldenfeld

Department of Physics
Loomis Laboratory
University of Illinois
1110 W. Green
Urbana, IL 61801

Tel: 217-333-8027
Fax: 217-333-9819

Email address

PGP public key

High resolution image ...



Nigel has moved to the University of California San Diego.  This website is no longer being actively maintained and will be taken down when his last graduate student leaves and turns off the lights.

Please go to this website which is actively maintained. 


Current Research Interests: please see Nigel's research group's homepage.


Articles and talks



  • 563 (Phase Transitions and Renormalization Group)
  • 569 (Emergent states of matter)
  • 504 (Statistical Mechanics)
  • 598BIO (Biological information and complexity)

View Nigel's Commencement Address to the UIUC Department of Mathematics (2008).

View "Collective Effects", Nigel's acceptance speech at the investiture of the Swanlund Endowed Chair