Superfluid Turbulence


Here are some animations made with data from numerical simulations of superfluid flows. The simulations were done using a cell dynamical system based model of the superfluid order parameter with dissipation. The scheme is similar in spirit to the Ginzburg-Pitaevskii equations for superfluids near the λ point.

Arnold-Beltrami-Childress flows

Isosurfaces of minimum density are displayed in this kinematic simulation of a superfluid under the influence of a normal component described by an Arnold-Beltrami-Childress flow.

Ostermeier-Glaberson instability

A vortex ring is stretched by a Gaussian vortex, the vortex string length increases until saturation. These are isosurfaces of minumum superfluid density.

Magnus force and dissipation on two rings

Two vortex rings in the center of a box are affected by a normal component in the z direction (upwards). The rings also shrink because of dissipative effects. These are isosurfaces of minimum superfluid density

Shear flow

After a quench, the superfluid is “sheared” with a normal flow in the y-direction, witn maximum positive velocity at x=L/4, and maximum negative velocity at x=3L/4. These are isosurfaces of minimum superfluid density.

Pouiseille-like flow

Vortex strings are transported by a flow which has its maximum speed at the center of the X-Z plane, with v=0 at the boundaries. The box has periodic boundary conditions, so it is not really a Pouiseille flow. These are isosurfaces of minimum superfluid density.